Next Collection Drop 2.3.//7pm

Unique handmade fashion

The garment comes not from far away.
The clothes are all made by me
all pieces are unique



                   My clothes are all made by me

                   figth against mass goods.

                   My mission is to create a sustainable
                   and unique
                   long lasting garment line.

                   Mostly I try to use GOTS certified,

                   non-chemical treated fabrics.
                   Nothing wears better than natural fibers.
                   Your body and our earth will be thankful.


How to Order


 Once per month I make a new collection with about 15-20 items and put them on my website. On a specific date which you can find on my website or if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook. Most oft the items are unique and often sold out within the first hours of being listed. All items are ready to ship and available on a first come first serve base.




Julia Schneider
IBAN: DE 15 4306 0967 3061 3609 00
GLS Bank